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Natural Hair Growth Methods

Natural Hair Growth Methods

Hair Growth Guide

By: illumiflow
Read Time: 7.7 min

Natural Hair Growth Methods That Work

Hair loss happens, but it doesn't have to stick around forever. And you don't need to risk surgery or use harmful medications to grow back your hair. The truth is, when you work with your body (instead of against it), you will not only grow back your hair but also improve your health along the way.

We are bombarded with ads and marketing always telling us we are not good enough, and if we buy this product or get this surgery, we will finally be happy. Well, friends, that is a whole lie! Your body is SMART. And while it might need a little help here and there to grow back your hair, you don't need to go under the knife to grow it back.

Nourish Your Body

Your body needs nourishment to function at it's best. The trouble is, we often jump to Postmates or other quick methods to get our nutrition. Many of us are way too busy to cook, and our bodies take the hit. Well, nutrition doesn't need to be hard! If you know how to fuel your body and the foods it needs to grow back your hair, you are well on your way to a healthier, happier you! Here is a list of hair growing foods you should add to your diet today!
• Eggs
• Avocados
• Berries
• Fatty Fish
• Peppers
• Berries
• Legumes
• Seeds
• Sweet potatoes
• Leafy greens
These foods are full of the vitamins and minerals your body needs to function optimally and grow back your hair. All you need to do is look up recipes with a few of these key ingredients and enjoy! Try an omelet with spinach and a side of berries and sweet potato hash browns. Or make some fresh fish with an avocado crème sauce. It doesn't have to be hard. Just combine these healthy foods into a hair growth recipe.  

Move Your Body With Intention

Whether you live on the treadmill or avoid cardio altogether, you need to move your body if you want a healthy head of hair. Now exercise does not directly turn you into Rapunzel, but it does help prevent hair loss by improving circulation, boosting your mood, and improves your overall health. Here are some great ways to get your body moving:
• Yoga is a great example of stress reduction and improved blood flow to the scalp. Stress has been found to cause hair loss rapidly, so managing stress should always be a part of your hair growth routine.
• Cardio (even walking) can rapidly improve your circulation, which makes your scalp happy! Going on walks outside in nature will give your mood a boost for extra credit.
While exercise is great, make sure you do not overdo it. Too much exercise can have the opposite effect and cause hair loss. Try to strike a happy balance. Aim for 30-45 minutes of moderate exercise per day. If you are new to working out, there are plenty of beginner workouts out there that can get you started safely!

Ditch The Surgeries And Medications

You don’t need surgery or medications to grow back your hair. Surgery is a costly solution that comes with risks. You could be at risk for infection, scarring, bleeding, and nerve damage (R3). Surgery is also very costly, and you can expect to pay anywhere from $4,000-$15,000. Medications also come with their fair share of risks and side effects like;  
• Increased risk of prostate cancer
• Diarrhea or nausea
• Allergic reaction
• Lowered sex drive
Just skip these methods of hair growth. You don't need them! If you are on the fence, I challenge you to try these holistic remedies first!

Ditch The Chemicals

Chemicals are lurking in your hair shampoo and conditioners. Be on the lookout for sulfates, artificial fragrances, DEA, TEA, and alcohol. These ingredients can wreak havoc on your hair and cause hair loss! Instead, replace these products with more natural alternatives that nourish your hair with ingredients like biotin, black cumin, and rosemary. These ingredients help revitalize your scalp and strengthen your existing hair.

Start Regrowing Your Hair Today

Try Natural Hair Growth Methods

So you are going to eat healthily, move your body, and ditch the chemicals. I am proud of you! These are great ways to get your hair growing, naturally. But if you are anything like me, you might want a little boost to move the process along faster. The good news is I have a whole list of natural ways you can speed up your hair loss. Here are my top three ways to get that hair growing fast!

Hair Vitamins

Give your body a boost with the benefit of hair growth vitamins. These supplements are full of healthy nutrients and herbs that will give your body the building blocks it needs to restore your hair loss. Aim to find hair loss vitamins that are natural, made without fillers, and third-party tests. Look for vitamins that add in horsetail extract, collagen, vitamin A, E, and D. There are tons of options out there, whether you are vegan, gluten-free, or organic only.


LLLT is also known as low-level laser therapy and an incredible way to grow back your hair. Laser caps use the power of light to regenerate your old hair cells, stimulate your scalp, and they also help encourage your hair into the growth phase. There are many laser caps on the market, but be sure to find one that is FDA cleared and meets the standards outlined by clinical testing like the illumiflow laser caps.

Hair Growth Shampoo and Conditioner

Your scalp health is essential from the inside out! Protect your scalp and hair by adding in a hair growth shampoo and conditioner. These products help block DHT, energize your scalp, and improve your scalp health. They are gentle and don't strip your hair of the natural oils it needs to be healthy. Always opt for a natural option that doesn't include those harmful chemicals I mentioned above!



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