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Biotin for Hair Growth

Biotin for Hair Growth

Natural Vitamins to Stop Hair Loss

By: illumiflow
Read Time: 8.7 Minutes

If you are not getting enough Biotin into your diet, you might experience hair loss. Biotin, also known as B-7 has become a popular treatment for hair growth and is found in many hair, skin, and nail supplements. Biotin is a water soluble vitamin that aids in metabolism by breaking down and converting food into energy. As well as aiding in energy conversion, biotin can help you hit your #hairgoals by increasing hair follicle growth and increasing keratin production. This is promising for anyone experiencing hair loss that wants to use biotin for hair growth.

Is Biotin Good for Hair Growth?

Biotin can help increase follicle growth, so using this vitamin in your hair growth routine can be helpful. While a biotin deficiency is rare, having a hair growth supplement that includes biotin can be helpful to restore hair loss.

How Much Biotin for Hair Growth

The current guidelines for how much biotin for hair growth is needed are based on dosage instead of daily allowance. Since biotin is in many foods that we eat, it’s important to account for all biotin in your diet, from supplements to food intake in order to stay at the recommended dosage.

Biotin Dosage Guidelines:

30 and 100 mcg per day for ages 12 and older

Foods that contain biotin include:

  • Egg yolks
  • Legumes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Mushrooms
  • Broccoli
  • Avocados
  • Bananas

How Long Does it Take Biotin to Work?

It can take about 3-6 months of consistent use to see results from taking biotin.

Best Biotin for Hair Growth

Growing back your hair can be a long process, so getting the right products will ensure that you are supporting new hair follicle growth. There are many hair vitamins with biotin or you can purchase biotin on it’s own. When purchasing any vitamin, ensure that they have solid reviews, and the right amount of biotin in their products. You also want to make sure that you do not get more than the recommended dosage of biotin per day. For the best results, try a hair growth vitamin that has multiple ingredients for hair growth like msm, green tea, stinging nettle root, and horsetail rush herb. While biotin for hair growth can work alone, it is great to use a vitamin with multiple hair healthy ingredients to diversify your regrowth routine.

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A complete hair growth vitamin

Does Biotin Have Any Side Effects?

Biotin is considered safe for use, but you should be careful not to exceed the recommended 30-100 mcg dosage per day. While it is highly unlikely to overdose from biotin, it can happen. Some signs that you are intaking too much biotin include:

  • Rashes
  • Kidney problems
  • High blood sugar
  • Insulin problems

If you think you might be experiencing an overdose of biotin, it’s important to speak with your doctor so they can perform the right tests to check your biotin levels. This is why it is important to track your biotin use across all vitamins you are taking (including your multivitamin).

Biotin for Hair Growth Results

While research surrounding biotin is limited, there have been some promising studies that show evidence that biotin can in fact increase hair growth. In one study, when compared with a placebo, participants saw significant hair growth and a decrease in hair fall. And while this is a promising outlook for using biotin for hair growth, it should be noted that if you are experiencing advanced hair loss, you might need to add in a second hair growth therapy alongside your biotin supplement. It is often easy to look at hair loss as a one solution problem, but in all reality it takes a few different components to truly see fast, sustainable hair growth.

Alternatives to Biotin for Hair Growth

While taking a hair vitamin with biotin can help with hair loss, there are some other natural hair growth alternatives you can try like a laser cap for hair growth (more on that in a bit) and also making lifestyle changes. It’s important to note that hair growth is not a one and done process. It often requires multiple components to get the best results that are long-term.

Low-level Laser Therapy

The good news is, low-level laser therapy or LLLT will work great with your biotin for hair growth supplements. This non-invasive hair growth therapy is clinically proven to be safe and also effective for hair growth. Low-level laser therapy works through the use of an LLLT hair device. This device has strategically placed cold lasers that will stimulate your hair follicles and increase blood circulation to your scalp.

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Lifestyle Changes

If you are working to grow back your hair, it is important to focus on your lifestyle as well. Your body needs a balance of wholesome healthy foods and daily movement to be at it’s best. There are many healthy foods that can actually encourage hair growth, so focusing on your nutrition can really support your hair growth results. It is also important to move your body every day. The increase in movement will boost blood and oxygen circulation in your body,which your scalp will love. While making lifestyle changes can be hard at times to stick to, the benefits to adopting a holistic treatment for hair growth is well worth it.


Minoxidil is a topical treatment that is used for hair growth and is FDA approved. You can buy minoxidil over the counter and use it at home. Minoxidil can work well with hair growth vitamins or a laser cap for hair growth, but minoxidil does have some side effects that you should look into before using this product.

Using biotin for hair growth is a great way to start your hair restoration journey. But as you know, it takes more than just one method to truly see sustainable hair growth. Luckily there are several ways you can increase your hair growth, it just takes consistency and the right products.

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Our introductory hair regrowth solution is expertly crafted to prevent continued hair loss and revitalize natural growth. Ideal for those in the early stages of hair loss, the 148 laser diode cap emits 740mW of laser energy, which means you can get back your full head of hair, faster.


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