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How To Grow Your Hair Back Fast With Laser Cap Treatment

I think we can all agree that losing your hair is no fun. Once it starts to fall out, no matter what the cause, growing it back is not an easy task. There are some people out there who may even say that it’s impossible.

But is it?

Don’t worry!  As it turns out, there is a very safe and effective way to reduce hair loss in both men and women. Have you ever considered laser therapy for hair loss?

Keep reading and you will find out why you should.

A laser cap treatment is one of the most effective and affordable hair loss solutions available today.

It’s even something you can do right in the comfort of your own home.

Why Laser Caps Are a Viable Hair Growth Alternative

Good news: Backed by years of research and thousands of clinical trials and studies, laser caps are affordable and easy to use. They are the best alternative to expensive laser hair growth treatments done in a doctor’s office. Call them what you will, “laser helmets” or “hair growth helmets,” they are completely safe, painless, and proven to work.

The Illumiflow laser cap has been designed to do just that, regrow hair. It works by stimulating your scalp with concentrated red light energy at very specific wavelengths calibrated to the perfect depth to penetrate the layers of skin on your scalp. Your cells are then boosted with new energy, promoting increased overall health, productivity, normal functioning, as well as new growth.

The laser cap created by Illumiflow uses low-level laser therapy (LLLT) to regrow hair at the cellular level. 

New research confirms that low-level laser therapy can stimulate new hair growth in people suffering from hair loss. A laser hair cap is the easiest method for delivering these benefits.

Biostimulation lasers were cleared for marketing by the FDA in 2007, in regards to both the safety of these devices and the claims made by researchers and manufacturers that it can effectively treat hair loss with lasers for hair regrowth treatments.

A recent study by scientists and physicians in the Department of Dermatology and Cutaneous Surgery at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine found that LLLT is effective in treating many different types of hair loss. 

People suffering from male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness, hair loss from chemotherapy treatments, and hair loss from alopecia areata (an autoimmune disorder that causes hair loss) have seen results from using low level laser therapy.

Not only did this study prove that LLLT promotes new hair growth, but it also came to the conclusion that this treatment is completely safe and has no known side effects.

But how exactly does it work?

Stimulating Hair Growth Through Optimal Frequency


It’s simpler than you think. 

A low-level laser is basically a laser that meets very specific standards in terms of light output. If the light being emitted by the laser does not fall within the appropriate frequency on the spectrum of light, the user is at risk of receiving either ineffective treatment or even suffering from potential harmful effects due to overdose.

Using an optimal frequency is the most important thing to consider when using a laser for hair growth. The frequency of light is important for many reasons, but the one that is especially important to note relates to the absorption capacity of the skin. The absorption capacity of skin tissue is much higher on the blue end of the spectrum than the red.

Because skin tissue has a high absorption capacity at shorter wavelengths, the use of LLLT in humans has been almost exclusively red in color and near infrared in frequency (600–1100 nanometers). LLLT higher than 1100 nm is ineffective, as water strongly absorbs infrared light at wavelengths greater than 1100 nm.

For this reason, illumiflow’s laser hair growth caps are calibrated to exactly 650nm. This is very significant as this exact frequency is the best frequency for laser hair regrowth.

Photochemical Process Puts Hair Follicles Into Growth Mode

So what’s the secret? Most other forms of laser therapy use thermal energy (causing heat). 

Low level laser therapy is different. LLLT uses cold lasers, meaning that there is no heat involved during this type of laser treatment. 

LLLT stimulates hair follicle growth using a one-of-a-kind photochemical effect which is very similar to what occurs during photosynthesis. Just as plants grow through certain processes, so too does your hair. This hair loss laser acts just like the sun does.

Like sunlight shining on the leaves of a plant, a chemical change is caused within the cells of the hair when low-level light waves are absorbed into the skin. This stimulates normal function of the cells and improves the health of these cells as well. Many users of laser hair growth treatment notice overall health benefits, alongside their improved hair health and growth. 

But to receive all the benefits of a laser cap treatment, you need to know the right kind of lasers you should use.

Using Actual Lasers Instead of LEDs To Promote Hair Growth

LEDs are not the same as lasers.

If you have been reading up on laser cap treatments, you most likely have come across laser caps made with LEDs and those made with lasers.

If you’re wondering what the difference is between lasers and LEDs, well, we’ll clarify that for you in the most easiest to understand way.

The thing is, only certain lasers can produce the specific wavelength, known as “coherent light”, needed to promote new growth in damaged and worn out scalps. LED lights are incapable of producing these coherent light waves. Furthermore, LED lights are much less powerful and distribute light far more broadly than lasers, without being able to focus on specific targets. This results in a significant inability to effectively penetrate the skin on the scalp to the right depth for stimulating cells.

So, you may be thinking to yourself, why do companies use LED lights in their hair growth treatments? 

The fact is, that LEDs are much cheaper to produce.

When it comes to legitimate hair restoration, using lasers for hair regrowth is the only way to go. 

The choice is yours.


A laser cap treatment is a much more affordable and convenient alternative to expensive in-office laser treatments for hair loss. 

Low level laser therapy has been proven to combat the effects of hair loss and to stimulate hair growth. Using the optimal frequency of light on the infrared end of the spectrum, Illumiflow’s laser cap has been designed to be 100% safe and effective for stimulating your hair follicles and priming them for growth.

But don’t just take my word for it. Just read these laser cap reviews and what real users of the illumiflow laser cap have to say about it.

Laser Caps

Suitable for both men and women, it is 100% safe and totally painless.

Before & After

Before & after photos with results of people that have reversed their hair loss.

Holistic Hair Health

Our exclusive, comprehensive guide to rapidly regrow your hair.