Lasers or LEDs - What’s The Difference?
A Note From Us To You.

The ideal wavelength of red light for hair restoration is between 630 and 650 nanometers. Every illumiflow Laser Cap is calibrated to precisely 650nm for optimal long-term results.
By now we’re going to take it upon ourselves to simply assume that you are one of our favorite types of customers: the discerning type that has learned the value of real research leading up to any big purchase.You know (probably from experience) how expensive and disappointing it can be to mindlessly jump on every claim train without first qualifying the claim itself. Technologies like LLLT should be no exception.
Unfortunately, there are plenty of (amazingly creative) con artists out there actively seeking to take advantage of ordinary people like yourself, especially when it comes to emotionally-charged areas like this one (hair loss). That’s why we wanted to take a moment to help unravel one of the most common and often overlooked tricks in the bag: devices that use LEDs instead of actual lasers.
Have you ever wondered what the difference is between lasers and LEDs? It’s likely that you’ve come across this question in the course of your own research into laser hair therapy. In fact, it’s one of the smartest questions you can ask.
You see, only certain lasers can produce the specific synchronous wavelength, often referred to as “coherent light”, needed to promote new growth in tired scalps. Unlike lasers, LEDs are incapable of producing coherent light waves. In addition to this, LED lights are significantly less powerful and distribute their light more broadly, which results in a notable inability to effectively penetrate the scalp to the appropriate depth for cellular stimulation.
When it comes to legitimate hair restoration, comparing LEDs to lasers is like comparing apples to oranges. Look at what happens when we put them side by side:
Light beam is focused and dense Light is comparatively weak and diffuse
Light wave is coherent Light wave is non-coherent
Deep penetration Superficial penetration
High intensity Low-powered
*NOTE: While it is true that LEDs have been used to effectively promote skin health and even support wound healing, the sort of light being produced simply does not compare to real lasers. LEDs fall short of effective hair therapy.
As you can see, the differences between lasers and LEDs become quite clear in side by side comparison. Understanding this then, why would anyone want to use LEDs instead of lasers in their laser therapy device?
You may be wondering if all this is a “big ado over nothing”; but here’s why it isn’t:
If LEDs are less effective than lasers when it comes to hair growth, then marketing them as equivalent to lasers is flat-out dishonest, and disrespectful.
So why do some companies still choose to use LEDs rather than actual lasers? The answer is as basic as it is (sadly) predictable:
They do this because LEDs are way cheaper to produce! It has everything to do with increasing profit margin and nothing whatsoever to do with their effectiveness in treating hair loss or stimulating new growth.
This means that, by no real fault of their own, a person like yourself could easily end up spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a piece of plastic with red lights in it and little more.
We’ve seen it time and time again: the effects of this are demoralizing.
In your case: keep doing what you’re doing. Keep being a smart and discerning customer. Continue questioning big claims (yes - even ours!). And definitely be on the lookout for scam products that use red LED lights rather than actual lasers.
It’s important to take treatment of hair loss seriously. This is why we at illumiflow have only ever used top-quality therapeutic lasers in our devices. No tricks, no gimmicks, no sneaky “manufacturing hacks”.
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: your trust and satisfaction are of primary importance to us. And we won’t shy away from earning them. We hope you’ll consider giving us a chance to.
ONWARD to a happier and healthier you,
Your Friends @ illumiflow
Read more about Laser Diodes here – More Diodes for Better Results